Epidendrum nutans 'Meleibits' AM/AOS
0000 - Epidendrum nutans
B/S - $30.00

Epidendrum tomlinsonianum
0000 - Epidendrum tomlinsonianum
Very rare species endemic to Jamaica with dark purple coloured blooms on pendant inflorescence.
B/S $50.00
0000 - Epidendrum anceps
B/S - $20.00

Epidendrum tridens
0000 - Epidendrum tridens (aka. Epi. latifolium)
Very rare species endemic to Jamaica with dark purple coloured blooms on pendant inflorescence.
B/S $15.00

Eny. Burdekin Surprise 'Burdekin'
5775 - Eny. Burdekin Surprise 'Burdekin'
(E. Bee's Knees x Ctt. El Patio)
Attractive and exceptionally fragrant creamy yellow flowers on arching inflorescences.
6" - 30.00

Encyclia tampensis 'Hamlyn'
5844 - Encyclia tampensis 'Hamlyn' x self
Typical form of the species
4" - $20.00

7190 - Encyclia tampensis var alba x self
Attractive albino form of the Florida species. Easy to grow and flower.
B/S - $20.00 and up

Encyclia cordigera
7195 - Encyclia cordigera 'Venezuela' x Encyclia cordiger 'Caracas'
The typical colour form of the species. Very showy and very fragrant.
B/S - $20.00
7190 - Encyclia cordiger 'Caracas' x Encyclia cordigera 'Venezuela'
Attractive albino form of the Florida species. Easy to grow and flower.
B/S - $20.00
7273 - Cty. El Hatillo 'Pinta' HCC/AOS (C. mossiae var semi-alba x E. tampensis var alba)
B/S - $20.00

Encyclia Thomas Fennell 'Hamlyn' AM/AOS
7319 - E. Thomas Fennell 'Hamlyn' AM/AOS x self
Very attractive, showy, very fragrant hybrid producing multiple branched spikes bearing many flowers.
3" - $15.00
7320 - E. Thomas Fennell 'Hamlyn' AM/AOS x self
Very similar to above.
3" - $15.00
7406 - Epidendrum stamfordianum var Pink x self
Attractive and not so common pink form of species.
Flasks - $

Encyclia Randy Jamaican
7715 - Encyclia Randy Jamaican (E. Orchid Jungle 'Redland Festival' AM/AOS x E. randii)
See photo.
6" - $40.00 up

Encyclia phoenicea 'Joya'
7716 - Encyclia phoenicea x self
The chocolate orchid from Cuba. Very attractive and
very fragrant species that smells of chocolate when the plants
are in bright light.
4" - $25.00

Eyy. Hunabu Fashion 'Hamlyn'
7780 - Eyy. Hunabu Fashion 'Hamlyn' (E. tampensis var alba x Bc. Binosa)
See photo
B/S Divisions - $35.00

Encyclia moebusii
8195 - Encyclia moebusii 'Hamlyn # 2' x self
8196 - Almost impossible to find and very rare, bright purple flowered species from Eastern Cuba.
3" - $30.00

Anachielum fragrans
8223 - Anachielum fragrans 'Woodstock' x self
Form of species from Western Jamaica.
4" - $15.00
8232 - Encyclia cordigera 'Cartago' x Encyclia cordigera 'Costa Rica'
Form from Costa Rica with green petals and sepals and white lip with pink spot. Slightly different to Venezuelan type.
4" - $20.00
8367 - Encyclia phoenicea (wild collected seed capsule)
Typical form of species
4" - $25.00
8368 - Encyclia gracilis x sibling
Species from the Bahamas
4" - $35.00
8371 - Encyclia x camagueyensis (E. phoenicea x E. altissima)
Very elegant, fragrant natural hybrid from Camaguey Province in Cuba.
4" - $35.00

Encyclia fucata
8372 - Encyclia fucata x self
Species from Cuba, the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands.
3" - $15.00, 4.5" - $25.00 up
8375 - E. Paula Gross x E. cordigera
Strong erect inflorescences flowers have a white lip with
pink spot like E. cordigera. Very fragrant.
4.5" - $15.00
8376 - Encyclia rufa x self
Species from the Bahamas with heavily branched inflorescences and fragrant yellow to green to brown flowers.
4" - $20.00
8378 - E. Orchid Jungle 'Dale' Am/AOS x E. recurvata
4" - $20.00

Epidendrum wrightii
8418 - Epidendrum wrightii 'Guantanamo' x self
Clusters of bright orange red flowers. A species from Eastern Cuba. Rare.
4" - $25.00
8419 - Epidendrum wrightii 'Laritza' x self
Very similar to above. See photo.
4" - $25.00.

Encyclia altissima
8420 - Encyclia altissima x self
Fragrant species from Camaguey Province in Cuba.
4" - $20.00, 6" - $35.00 and up.
8454 - Encyclia hamiltonii
3" - $15.00
8425 - Encyclia hamiltonii 'Efrain' x self
3" - $15.00
8426 - Encyclia moebusii x sibling
4" - $35.00

Encyclia hamiltonii
8454 - Encyclia hamiltonii
4" - $25.00

Encyclia plicata
8477 - Encyclia plicata 'Efrain' x Encyclia plicata 'Cienfuegos'
Typical type of species from Cuba. Fragrant.
3" - $15.00, 4.5" - $25.00
8478 - Encyclia plicata 'Santiago' x Encyclia plicata 'Maite'
Typical type of species from Cuba. Fragrant.
3" - $15.00, 4.5" - $25.00
8482 - E. Pinar del Rio (E. plicata x E. phoenicea)
Similar to the natural hybrid of the two species from
Pinar del Rio state in Cuba. Fragrant.
3" - $15.00, 4.5" - $25.00

Encyclia cordigera var atropurpurea
8529 - Encyclia cordigera var rosea 'Hot Lips' x self
Dark red lip form of species.
3" - $20.00
8530 - Encyclia cordigera var rosea '# 2' x Encyclia
cordigera var rosea 'Hot Lips'
Typical type of species from Central America. Fragrant.
3" - $20.00
8531 - Encyclia cordigera var rosea 'Macca' x self
Very dark form of species.
3" - $20.00

Encyclia howardii 'Angel Vale Gonzalez'
8695 - Encyclia howardii 'Danny Rojas Martin' x Encyclia howardii 'Angel Vale Gonzalez'
Rare Cuban species with unique abreviated lip. Beautiful witn tall branched inflorescences. Fragrant.
3" - $75.00
8716 - Bc. Nodata x E. phoenicea
3" - $15.00

E. plicata
8921 - Encyclia plicata 'Greengage' x Encyclia plicata 'Jean'
Typical type of species from Cuba. Fragrant.
3" - $15.00, 4.5" - $25.00
8922 - Encyclia plicata 'Jean' x Encyclia plicata 'Greengage'
Typical type of species from Cuba. Fragrant.
3" - $15.00, 4.5" - $25.00
8926 - E. Pinar del Rio (E. phoenicea x E. plicata)
Similar to the natural hybrid of the two species from
Pinar del Rio state in Cuba. Fragrant.
3" - $15.00, 4.5" - $25.00
9036 - Bc. Hippodamia 'The Best' x E. phoenicea
9092 - Bc. Hippodamia x E. pyriformis
9093 - E. inaguensis x E. plicata
9099 - Encyclia plicata x self
Typical type of species from Cuba. Fragrant.
3" - $15.00, 4.5" - $25.00
9205 - Encyclia hamiltonii x sib.
9206 - Encyclia hamiltonii x sib

Encyclia fucata
9240 - Encyclia fucata x self
Species from Cuba, the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands.
3" - $15.00, 4.5" - $25.00 up
9241 - E. Randy Jamaican x E. hamiltonii
9242 - E. hamiltonii x E. Randy Jamaican
9243 - E. cordigera x E. Nursery Rhyme

E. bocourtii 'Bella'
9313 - Encyclia bocourtii x sib.
9315 - Encyclia fucata

E. Thomas Fennell
9319 - E. Thomas Fennell '#2' x E. Thomas Fennell 'Hamlyn' AM/AOS
9320 - E. Thomas Fennell 'Hamlyn' AM/AOS x E. Thomas Fennell '#2'
9329 - E. phoenicea 'Blackie' x E. hamiltonii
9253 - Epidendrum stamfordianum 'Nina Chin' x self
Typical cream coloured form of species.
9347 - Encyclia alata x self
Beautiful, very fragrant species from Belize.
9486 -
9496 -
9593 -
9599 -
9617 -

Epidendrum difforme
9643 - Epidendrum difforme x self
Dwarf growing plants with green flowers.

Encyclia brevifolia
9691 - Encyclia brevifolia
Species from Cuba. Rare.
3" - $15.00

E. oxypetala
9692 - Encyclia oxypetala
Dwarf species from Cuba. Rare.
3" - $15.00

9693 - Encyclia oxypetala
Dwarf species from Cuba. Rare.
3" - $15.00

E. moebusii alba
9730 - Encyclia moebusii forma alba 'Hamlyn' x self
Fragrant, rupiculous (rock growing) species from Eastern Cuba.
Very, very rare albino colour form.
3" - $50.00

Eyv. Dawn Henry
9760 - Eyv. Dawn Henry (E. phoenicea x B. subulifolia)
3" - $15.00, 4" - $20.00
10010 - Encyclia guatemalensis
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